Choices about cookies

Changing the settings of cookies

If you have previously accepted cookies, you can revoke your consent. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this website. Click here to revoke your consent.

Please note that using the Cookie Settings on our website may not result in the deletion of any cookies that have already been set. You can do that via the settings of your web browser, after you have changed your Cookie Settings on our website.

If you are visiting a DistroLogica website targeted at visitors outside of the EU, you may use the settings of your web browser to make choices about cookies and privacy.

How to manage or disable cookies in your browser

Please be aware that Univectra d.o.o. currently does not make use of a technical solution that would enable us to respond to your browser's 'Do Not Track' signals. Besides using the Cookie Settings section on our website, you may manage your cookie settings in your browser settings at any time. Please be aware that your browser settings may not offer you the same ease of use as the Cookie Settings on our website. If you simply disable all cookies or all of our cookies in your browser settings, you may find that certain sections or features of our website(s) will not work, because your browser may prevent us from setting functionally required cookies. Therefore, it is recommended to use the Cookie Settings on our website instead of disabling all cookies via your web browser.

You may find further information on how to disable cookies or manage your cookie settings for the browser that you use from the following list: